The wooden chapel pole of Gedminaičiai village consists of a chapel of a rectangular layout and a rectangular pole with incisions. It has a two-sided small roof, tin-plated with a serrated verge board and decorated with a small tin cross. One wall has a two-sided and glazed wooden door. The chapel pole is fenced with a wooden fence. The interior features two rather large wooden sculptures, The Gracious Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Dominic. This chapel pole dates back to the second half of the 20th century.
The storyline of the Gracious Blessed Virgin Mary is among the most popular in folk art. The image of Mary is especially widespread in Samogitia. As is typical to Lithuanian folk art, she is depicted with light emanating from the hands. It is a symbol of dignity. It was believed that the Virgin Mary would share graces with all those who ask for them, heal spiritual wounds, and give strength in difficult times. Effort was made to convey the nation’s respect for Mary in an original rendering of the storylines, reflecting the ethnic Lithuanian self-awareness, morale and views, the nation’s love and respect for Lithuania’s patron, the Blessed Virgin Mary. God carvers portrayed her in their own way, in Lithuanian style, making her closer to Lithuanian land and the worldview of Lithuanian people, so that she felt close to each and everyone.
This chapel pole also depicts the Virgin Mary in a traditional way, without distorting the original storyline, based on the visions experienced by a nun of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her, barefoot standing on a globe with her hands lowered, with light beams and rays emanating from them. The nun also heard a voice explaining that the rays were a symbol of the graces Mary gave to those who asked for them. Mary is pictured standing, dressed in a long white robe, with a blue cloak over her shoulders; with a circular nimbus surrounding her head, and a serpent beneath her feet, an evil spirit.
Šalia Mergelės Marijos – panašaus dydžio Šv. Dominyko skulptūra. Tai domininkonų ordino įkūrėjas, garsus misionierius, pamokslininkas gyvenęs 1170-1221 metais. Jis buvo Šv. Pranciškaus draugas ir pasekėjas. Šv. Dominykas pagarsėjo kaip eretiškų knygų degintojas ir kovotojas su eretikais. Pietų Prancūzijoje jis rožinio malda ir atgaila nugalėjo eretikus albigiečius. Šis šventasis garsėjo stebuklais. Pasak legendos jis prikėlė iš numirusiųjų kardinolo sūnėną, o angelai kartą jam atnešė duonos. Jis laikomas ir rožinio įkūrėju ir pirmuoju ordinų kūrėju, kuris į savo konstituciją įrašė mokslo būtinumą. Po mirties Dominykas paskelbtas šventuoju, o jo vardo šventė švenčiama rugpjūčio 8 d. Šventasis liaudies meistro drožinėtoje skulptūroje vaizduojamas kaip įprasta liaudies mene – su vienuolio drabužiais (balta tunika), prie šono kabo rožinis, vienoje rankoje laiko leliją, kitoje – knygą.
A sculpture St. Dominic of a similar size is located next to the Virgin Mary. He is the founder of the Dominican Order, a prominent missionary and a preacher who lived from 1170 to 1221. He was St. Francis’ friend and follower. St. Dominic became famous for burning heretic books and fighting against heretics. In southern France, he defeated heretical Albigans with the help of the Rosary prayer and penance. This saint was famous for miracles. According to a legend, he raised a Cardinal’s nephew from the dead, and angels once brought him bread. Moreover, he is considered to be the founder of the Rosary and the first creator of the orders to include the necessity of science in his constitution. After his death, Dominic was declared a saint, and his name feast is celebrated on August 8.4 In the folk artist’s carved sculpture the saint is depicted in the usual folk art way: in a monk’s robe (white tunic), a Rosary on the side, a lily in one hand and a book in the other.